I have been working with Monica for several years. Her connection to Spirit, the Divine is breathtaking and beautiful. There have been many moments during readings where I sit in stunned silence. I haven’t shared THAT with anyone. I felt so seen, so understood, so loved. For my 2021 Year In Review reading, she told me I would have a very busy Summer. She could see me doing a lot of packing and traveling, with things picking up big time in August. Lots of going and doing. When I received this message, I was perplexed. I couldn’t see how this would possibly unfold. You see my reading was done in February. The World, especially mine, was still moving at a very slow pace. And August, lots of packing? Going? Doing? I have a school age child, how was that going to be? I didn’t know but the cards and Monica’s interpretation did. We sold our home in July and moved 100 miles west in August. That, friends, is a gift. Once you begin working with Monica, you don’t have to know the how, just trust. The rest will unfold. Peace, love, positive vibes~ Jessica R

I was referred to Harmony’s Heart about 2 1/2 years ago. I have enjoyed the forecasts, general, and love readings. I lean on the readings when things in my life seem confusing, and I’m able to get a clear understanding of what’s going on. I take notes during each reading and I go back and read over what was brought to the light. It’s very interesting as I identify moments that have happened, just as they were revealed during those sessions. I really appreciate Monica for all that she does. She is very welcoming and loving also. I appreciate being connected with her .~ Andi P

I want to say thank you so much to Monica for all of her insight and guidance over the years. When I say she is a true blessing from God, she is just that. The gift that she has been blessed with has been a blessing in my life. I had a reading with her back in May or June and I wanted some insight on my upcoming procedure as well as an upcoming debut of my collection at NYFW and she told me that I would have opportunities that would present themselves as a result of the debut and my goodness it came into fruition! After showcasing my collection I’ve had so many opportunities come about including news features on multiple stations, podcast interviews, magazine articles, and my first celebrity client! By her giving me the insight I needed I was able to work strategically to really put myself out there and get the exposure I’ve been needing to really get my brand out there to the world. I highly recommend y’all contact her whether you’re interested in doing a general, career, or love reading. I’ve done love readings with her in the past as well and it’s totally worth doing. I love her spirit and energy. Her intentions are good and pure. I also did a reading about my brother who is currently incarcerated (innocent) and she told me that we should hear something by October and interesting enough he received a post conviction letter this month and the attorney is pushing for a new trial because of the evidence being tampered with and several inconsistencies with evidence. Monica also confirmed many things that only my immediate family knew. So when I say she knows what she’s talking about I’m serious. I’ve referred many people to her and they all say the same thing about how accurate she is! Thank you again Monica for being such a blessing in my life.~ Shanda Ayeshia Smith